Boosting the interfacial superionic conductivity of halide solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries, Nature Commun., 14, 2459 (2023)
Molecularly engineered linear organic carbonates as practically viable nonflammable electrolytes for safe Li-ion batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., online published (2023)
Electrostatic Covalent Organic Frameworks as On-Demand Molecular Traps for High-Energy Li Metal Battery Electrodes, ACS Energy Lett., 8, 2463 (2023)
Nanocomposite engineering of a high-capacity partially ordered cathode for Li-ion batteries Adv. Mater., 35(13), 2208423 (2023), featured on the front cover
Highly Reversible Lithium Host Materials for High-Energy-Density Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries, Adv. Func. Mater., 32, 2208629 (2022)